Sunday, February 20, 2011

Freedom of Speech?

I found a blog that linked me to this article.

A teacher in Pennsylvania blogged about her students in horrendous way. When I first saw the headline, it freaked me out a little bit and I quickly searched my brain for anything I have written that could be considered mean. After reading her comments though, there is no way my blogging has even come close to what she said.

It reminds me that yes, there is freedom of speech in the United States. However, when you are in a position of responsibility or in charge of impressing young minds, it serves one well to evaluate their conduct and ask themselves if they would say those things in front of their constituents. As teachers, people critique our every move and we have to be aware of the image we are portraying at all times.

Yes, me students drive me crazy on occasion. Yes, there are days I go home and wonder if I really am the worst teacher in the world. Yes, I have bad days at work. In the end, I really do love my students and wouldn't do anything else.

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