Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas with the Ulmers

Christmas at the Ulmer's is always an adventure. Here are the grandkids wrestling Grandpa.
Luke and Kody
Jack, Jeff, Kade, and Kiley
Mom and Kori
Jack and Kenzie
Talking to Kris on the phone!!
Luke and Jack
Ryan, Kody, and Luke
Kade, Jeff, Kenzie, Jack
Kade and Ryan
Ryan, Kody, and Kade
Re-enacting the Christmas story

Christmas with the Overalls

We shared Christmas Eve and Day with both our parents like we do each year. This was our Christmas at the Overall's house. Santa brought us money to pay for an upcoming trip we have planned.
Rick and Kellie
Anita, Jake, and Kim
LJ, Peyton, and Braddock
LJ taking a power nap
AJ and Brenton
Matt and Brenton
AJ, Brailie, Anita, and Braddock

Catching Up

Well, November and December flew by and I have been a super slacker blogger. So here are some pics and a quick summary of the last two months with separate Christmas posts to follow:

1. Thanksgiving we traveled to Tri-Cities to spend Thanksgiving with Katie and Clint at their home. For pictures from that, click here.
2. The first week in December I traveled to Nashville for 5 days with the Boise Education Association for the National Council of Urban Educators Association Fall Conference. It was a great trip. I made lots of contacts with people around the country and was able to discuss issues that other associations are the country are dealing with. It is amazing how similar we are despite our different states and situations.
3. I ran the YMCA Christmas Run with my friends Kathie and Kim. We did the 10K and had a great time!! My second ten K is done and I am ready for another!
4. I had brunch with all of my Master's friends the first Monday of Christmas Break. It was great to catch up with all these wonderful friends!
Debbie, Me, and Cindy
Naudia and Me
Me and Cindy
The Ladies
Real life replica of Andrew Jackson and his wife Rachel
Andrew Jackson's Home
Me with a giant guitar in downtown Nashville-loved the great music!!!
Country Music Hall of Fame
Andrew, Emily, Me, Shannon, and Dori

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My Weekend

I spent the weekend here at home. I woke up Saturday morning to this sight on my lawn:

So then, I decided to read this book I have been meaning to get to and I started and I couldn't stop, so then I went out and read the second book in the series. I highly recommend them. It is called The Hunger Games and the second book is called Catching Fire. Good stuff!
Then I got a phone call from LJ. He shot a deer! Finally! So here is a picture of the deer in our garage. He did not take any pictures after the kill, so this is all there is. I REPEAT- DO NOT SCROLL DOWN IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE THE DEAD DEER IN MY GARAGE!!!!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Something New?!?

I was told I needed to post again because my last post picture was gross. It was kind of...sorry. It has been a busy month, but I have been a super slacker and haven't taken any pictures. Here are the highlights:

1. Halloween- celebrated Kade's birthday and trick or treated with the kids in Kiley's neighborhood.
2. Kody turned 18! Happy Birthday little brother!!
3. LJ has gone hunting a lot
4. Kori announced she is pregnant
5. Kris left the MTC in Peru and is now in the mission field somewhere near Arequipa
6. I have worked a ton!!
7. I went to Donnelly for the weekend with my Master's girls!!

That is about it. I promise to do better!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

October Fun

This past week has been busy! We had a great garden at mom and dad's this year, so we had a harvest party to pick the pumpkins and burn most of the garden. We went to Linder Farms first and let the kids go on rides and feed the animals, but we got pumpkins from the garden this year! Really fun, much cheaper, and we celebrated the fruits of our labors! Good times for all! Thanks everyone for a great garden and successful growing season!

Also, two weeks ago, I finally saw a dermatologist and had the mole of the back of my arm looked at. The dermatologist took it off and this is the result of his butchering. I had seven stitches in for two weeks! Now I get to have a wicked awesome scar forever! Thankfully the mole was sae and no worries!
The scar
Mom, Dad, and LJ
More harvesting
Watching the bonfire
More fire watching
Mom and Dad keep a watchful eye
Watching the fire
Kody and Ryan
Kori and Luke
Kiley and Ryan
LJ and I
The girls
Family with our pumpkins