Monday, September 27, 2010

ESPN GameDay

Saturday morning my friend Steph and I got up early to brave the crowds and watch ESPN's GameDay filmed at Boise State. This is the premier College Football television show and to have it in Boise was awesome!! I love College Football, so I just couldn't pass up the chance. We ended up down on the sidelines and upclose. It was neat to see how they filmed the show, framed shots, moved cameras and people, and to be there for the event. I got to shake Chris Fowler's hand and we even ended up on television. Being the nerd I am, I taped the show and watched it when I got home and looked for myself. Now I can say I have been on national televison! :) Thanks Steph for the great morning! It is a memory to remember. :)
Steph and I

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Montana 2010

We went to Montana for Labor Day this year. We love Montana. Grandma and Grandpa's Cabin has been the place of memories and magic for over 2 decades. The kids love playing in the dirt, water, throwing rocks, baseball, running, seeing bears, four-wheelers, and we even did a nature hike this year. We played Scrabble, read Hunger Games, the boys watched lots of Supernatural, LJ fished on the mighty Missouri, and we ate lots. The cabin was even better this year because the addition is done- thank you Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Greg, Cheryl, Lynn, etc for helping finish the bedrooms and bathroom so we can all spread out and fit. I wish we could have seen more of everyone, but I know how busy life is. I didn't take many pictures, but here are some. Katie, Clint, Max, and Ryan- we missed you!! Until next year cabin- :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Junior High

The first month a school is flying by and I have learned a lot already. I love my students and am trying all kinds of new lessons with them. We are having fun and becoming masters of United States History. I have learned a few funny things along the way; I thought it would be fun to share.

10. Doing your school work entitles you to a car
9. Fighting on the 2nd day of school gets you 3 days of in-house
8. Teenagers only know four different types of dancing: Congo line, Macarena, Jumping, and Grinding
7. Even adults like treats from their boss on the first day of school
6. Naming your child a color is acceptable today
5. Walking through the hall yelling "Gay Pride" and "Bi-Pride" won't get you beat up
4. Having a fridge in my room is the best thing I ever did- why did it take me 7 years to figure this out?
3. Smoking Spice before school on school grounds is not a good idea
2. "No you may not call the colony of Virginia, "Va-jay-jay" as you label it on a map. That is not appropriate."
1. "Pocahontas and John Smith were friends and no matter what you say Mrs. Overall, they met in a tree!"

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Chris Crutcher

Chris Crutcher is a young adult author who grew up in Cascade, Idaho. He is edgy, succint, and tells it like it is. He came and spoke to our students last Friday in an all school assembly.

Did I mention he is captivating?

He kept 600 12-15 year olds entertained for an hour. They laughed and listened and learned. He explained some of his life stories that shaped characters in his books. He also explained how he mixes people and events to create works of fiction.

I hadn't read much of his work before- now I am hooked. In the last few weeks, I have devoured, Running Loose, Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes, Whale Talk and am currently working on Deadline. Some of his stuff is a little on the edge; he isn't afraid to use a swear word when nothing else will do. But it is real. And my students eat it up.

I recommend his books. He provides real life stories that people can relate to. I was crying as I finished Whale Talk . His stuff makes you think and thinking is never a bad thing. Check out the local Idaho author and get some good reading in while you're at it.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Cloudy with a Chance of a Cold

I felt it. It hit yesterday morning right after first period. The first sign of a sore throat. That faint scratch you feel seeping up into the back of your throat. By 8th period, my voice was sore from talking all day and I needed more water to keep me going. Last night I took it easy, ate dinner, doused myself with airbourne and orange juice and went to bed.

It didn't work.

This morning the tightness in the throat and the cloudiness of the head are ever present. I can feel the congestion gathering in my nose and sinuses. And of course, it is back to school night tonight!

So to the five people who read my blog, what are your favorite cold remedies? Or cold preventions? How do you know when you have a cold coming on?

Just say no to the snot. It makes like miserable for all. Now I head to school to spray my room with Lysol and wipe down every desk, stapler, paper, pen, and door handle with a Clorox wipe. I will win the war on germs.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Can't Buy Me Love

I'm back and ready to blog! And I mean it this time. :)

Remember that show? Late 80s early 90s set in Tucson, Arizona. I lived in Tucson when it came out, so I thought I was super cool. The popular cheerleader gets paid to date the nerdy kid for one month so he could be popular. I don't think any money was exchanged this time, but here's my little story:

School has been in for about three weeks now. We had out first dance of the year on Friday night. I was chaperoning ( meaning I walk around and embarass kids who are dirty dancing or stop the 9th grade boys from starting mosh pits with their jumping), and I notice one of the cheerleaders. She is cute and not overly talkative, but not shy, and she is talking to one of my sweet, nerdy, glasses, slightly overweight, special ed kids. They hung out all night long. They danced, sat on the wall and talked, walked around. I couldn't believe it. I found the cheer advisor and told her how cool I thought it was and how proud I was of this student. After the dance I found her with her friends and mentioned it to her, and her reply to me was "Yeah, anonymous student is cool. He is way fun." It reminded me that there are nice kids in the world who don't conform to social norms and who hang out with people just because they are fun and not because of what they where or what sport they play. Be proud of our kids and remember some of them are doing great things and inspire us once in awhile!