Saturday, November 14, 2009

Something New?!?

I was told I needed to post again because my last post picture was gross. It was kind of...sorry. It has been a busy month, but I have been a super slacker and haven't taken any pictures. Here are the highlights:

1. Halloween- celebrated Kade's birthday and trick or treated with the kids in Kiley's neighborhood.
2. Kody turned 18! Happy Birthday little brother!!
3. LJ has gone hunting a lot
4. Kori announced she is pregnant
5. Kris left the MTC in Peru and is now in the mission field somewhere near Arequipa
6. I have worked a ton!!
7. I went to Donnelly for the weekend with my Master's girls!!

That is about it. I promise to do better!

1 comment:

maybe said...

I'm appreciate your writing skill.Please keep on working hard.^^