Monday, February 2, 2009

The Lurcher and the Law Breaker

Well, I know posts without pictures are boring, but I need to vent for a moment. By the way, my Superbowl Party pictures will be coming, I just didn't have time to upload them last night.

The Lurcher
Each school has what I will call "the lurcher." They walk into the copy room and promptly sigh as loud as they can. I mean how dare I be on the copy machine when they want to use it. They then ask as obnoxious as possible, "Do you have a lot?" or "Are you almost done?" Next comes the stomping to the copy machine to confirm my response because I was probably lying to them and I do have a lot and will be a long time! They might stroll around the copy room, pretending to look for supplies or maybe even walk out to check their mailbox, but they proceed to check how many copies are left a second, third, maybe even fourth time. The worst is when they stand right next to you, hovering over the copier just daring you to try and copy one more thing. The lurcher can ruin even the best day and drive even the kindest, most patient teacher, insane!!

The Lawbreaker
The next category is the direct result of the architect who designed our school so that the parking lot is on the opposite side of the school from everyone's classrooms. We are only allowed to park on one side of Edson (street closest to everyone's classrooms) and Cassia (street in front of the school.) Most people don't want to park in the parking lot and then hike around the school. I park in the parking lot most of the time. Each morning I look outside and see the cars lining the street of Edson. The fire hydrant is directly outside the door. Each morning there is a car (and most of the time the same car) parked in front of the fire hydrant. If I am not mistaken, a car cannot be parked within 100 feet of a fire hydrant. I don't know why this bothers me so much, but it really does. Just because you are too lazy to walk around the school from the parking lot, does not give you the right to break the law!!! Do not park in front of the fire hydrant. I know this has no direct impact on me at all and I should not let it bother me, but it has, but now I have vented and I am going to get over it!!

Thanks for listening and watch for Superbowl pictures!!


Tim and Terrie (tnt) said...

Ha,ha,ha!! Kari did you forget I read you blog??? I'm sure I'm the lurcher and the law breaker! Ha,ha,ha!!

Just kidding but I know exactly what you are talking must have been something in the air today....I had different things going on and can't post them because "will do anything but my own job" does read my blog...and no it's not you.

Thanks for making me feel better by not being the only one....I know that lurcher thing drives me crazy and I can almost guess who it is ;o)

Brent and Tracie said...

You would think you worked as a ticket nazi at U of I or something:) I feel the same way every time I see someone parked illegally. I just think...where is my ticket machine;)

Bobbi Phillips said...

I feel you pain girl. We have a "lawbreaker" at my work. He LOVES to park in the Handicap spot...yes you heard it the HANDICAP spot!!!! He did for weeks even if he was the FIRST person to get to work he would still part there. We all finally got soooo bugged by it that we printed out this article that explained why we you can't park there and the FEE/TICKET you will get if you get caught. Needless to say it worked. He stopped parking there...sometimes you have to play a little dirty.